What's a forum without rules? It's an anarchy, and we don't want that now, do we? For providing you with a forum and a website, we have some rules for all of you to follow.
Rule 1: No spam. None. Spam is anything ignorant, totally irrelevant to the topic, or anything like that. As far as this goes, bumping a topic (posting some short irrelevant message into an old thread to bring it up in the forum) is considered spam by my standards. I have no problem with a post into an old topic if the content of the post is relevant. Double-posting is allowed in the event the thread isn't responded to for a while, this especially counts in the art forums. Also, excessive smiley usage counts as spam. In most cases posts should not contain over five smilies, since their usage slows down page loading slightly and just generally looks, well, annoying. Another thing, no topics should be posted that are already somewhere else, as that's pointless. No posts about post counts or other such statistics other than the number of users.
Rule 2: No flaming. To flame is basically to insult or harass someone or something. This includes saying anything "sucks" or anything of that nature. And so help me, don't troll. If there is a troll, don't feed it.
Rule 3: Please keep cursing/cussing/swearing to a minimum. We've already provided censors we found suitable for such words, but if you feel you must use such words and discover they are uncensored, please use *'s to blot them out.
Rule 4: Another thing to keep to a minimum in your posts are sexually-related messages. This includes anything direct, implied, or any form of sexual innuendo. And for the sake of these forums, images displaying such things are forbidden and will be removed at the poster's expense.
Rule 5: We will select moderators as necessary, and as far as we're concerned, Full Metal Kirby and I shall be the only administrators. Please do not ask for such positions, and please do not act as if you already are one. If you see some form of misconduct, report it to someone who does have authority.
Rule 6: Unless otherwise specified, these forums are to be kept in the English language, whether British or American versions. Chatspeak and 1337/leet are highly frowned upon in normal posts. If you must post such things, or if you feel you must post in another language, put a translation below. In most cases, the authority here will be capable of seeing if you are violating another rule in such a language in any regard.
Rule 7: No direct advertising of other forums or websites unless given permission by an authoritative figure of this forum. Exceptions include websites with games, or specific posts from a forum with content relevant to the discussion.
Rule 8: Ignorance of these rules does not excuse you from them. As a member of these forums you are to view the rules of conduct upon joining and abide by them. Being unknowing of plainly posted rules does not mean you have the right to bluntly break them until corrected.
Rule 9: During any role play or discussion, throwing any form of brand-name 'gummy' food is frowned upon. This includes any generic 'gummy worms' or 'gummy bears'. Consumption and other expressive actions involving these products is acceptable.
These are the current rules of Full Metal Sanctity. If any changes are made a post will be added to this topic describing the nature of the change. Also, take note as these rules apply to the chatbox as well, but in a less strict sense, though rule 9 will be enforced normally. Enjoy your forum experience!